(Re-) Launching my Youtube Channel

YouTube TV

My 30 day periscope experiment was a success, firstly because it definitely got me over my fear of being on camera! If you do the same scary thing over and over again, every day in your life, it stops being so scary. It took me almost half the 30 days, probably, to get to that point.

What are you scared of right now, that if you did it, could make your life better? Can you take the plunge like I did? Be brave - the water only feels cold for a minute. Is it that you are scared of talking to people about your skin picking? Are you afraid to join a group coaching program because of fear you won't succeed and feel like a failure? Do it and you will succeed, I'm telling you.

Another reason the periscope experiment was a success, was that it connected me with some amazing folks who tuned in daily or almost daily to learn and be in good company, and to keep their heads in the game. I'm fond of that phrase a lot these days, "keeping your head in the game". My scopes served as a daily reminder to those faithful scope attendees who wanted to remember each day that they desire to and are working on freeing themselves from their skin picking behaviors. It's too easy to get busy with everything else in our lives. If it's important to you to stop skin picking, you need to remember each day in order to continue doing what you need to do to achieve that goal.

The third reason it was a success was that people got some good information out of it, i.e. from me, and now I plan to wade through the scopes and put the useful chunks up on youtube. I've had a youtube channel for two years, ever since I made the videos for my website, but I haven't added content to it since. Until today, when I added the first video from my periscopes. (Not the first chronologically, but a special one from my wedding day!)

By the way, I set up all my periscope videos to be saved on katch, so you can also go to my katch page to watch them, at least for a little while.

While I'm not doing periscopes daily anymore, I still plan to scope at least once or twice a week. You can listen in, ask me questions, etc. if you're there. Periscope is by far my favorite social media these days. You can download it and follow me on my periscope channel.

But anyway, in case you're interested, you can watch my re-debut on youtube and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Love and support,



Tips and tricks to stop skin picking - 3 guests / 3 videos


30 interactive videos about skin picking, BFRBs, and mental health: I'm broadcasting live every day for the next month