Six hard truths about stopping picking or pulling

woman on bench pretty view hand heart gesture

Sorry to be a bummer today guys, but it's important that we face reality! Here are 6 hard truths about what is keeping you picking your skin or pulling your hair, and what needs to happen to greatly reduce or stop picking or pulling altogether.

1) You have to accept the reality that you are picking or pulling in order to be successful at reducing and ultimately stopping it. If the only thing that is acceptable to you is that you do not pick or pull at all, effective immediately, then you will not have the power to stop.

2) The more ashamed and hidden you are about your picking or pulling, the tighter the grip it will have on you and your life.

3) You will likely “fail” many times as you are learning to stop. Real success will happen when you learn to be less upset by your “failures” and more encouraged by your successes, no matter how small they may be at first. You have to look in the direction in which you want to go. Nobody can drive a car only by looking in the rearview mirror. You can’t stop picking or pulling if you continually focus on and regret your past actions and the damage you did.

4) Stopping picking or pulling is hard work and takes persistence. The more you work at it and take positive steps, the more success you will have and the milder, fewer and further between your “failures” will be.

5) You likely use picking or pulling to mask emotional pain or fear. Healing may require you to learn to experience whatever painful or scary truths you haven’t been willing to face.

6) There is no magic pill to make you stop, and it is not likely that there ever will be. You may need to make major changes to your lifestyle in order to stop picking or pulling.

If you don't know how to go about recovering from skin picking or hair pulling, read more about my coaching services or contact me for a complimentary consultation.

Love and support,



A little inspiration for working on stopping skin picking, hair pulling or other challenging behaviors


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